Melanie’s Share Your World this week presents us with an eclectic mix of questions. Here goes.
What will finally break the Internet? Do you believe it can be broken at all?
I have a feeling that some evil-doers from (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran — pick one or choose another) will hack into our infrastructure, which will not only break the internet, but will bring down our power grids and will essentially disable America. Or maybe I read that in some book about humanity’s dystopian future.
What are some ‘red flags’ to watch out for in daily life? (Take it as you want.)
I’m going to take it literally and say that the only red flags I watch out for are those on the back of trucks used to warn drivers that there is cargo extending beyond the back of the truck.
What’s the silliest thing someone has argued with you about?
What life will be like after the November presidential election. Why is that silly, you ask? Probably because we either won’t have an election in November, or if we do and Trump loses, he’s not likely to accept the outcome and voluntarily leave office. So we know that America, much to Putin’s delight, will be in chaos. Hence it’s a silly argument to have, don’t you think?
What’s the strangest thing you’ve found lying on the ground/side of the road?
I’m not sure that it’s strange these days, but it was certainly disturbing when I found a handful of used syringes on the ground at Golden Gate Park.
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A funny thing happened on the way to the bedroom on the night I lost my virginity. What happened that was so funny? Well, the 手机怎样翻墙上p站 is that it didn’t actually take place in a bedroom, although that probably would have been a better venue for what did happen that night.
No, the first time I had sex was actually in the back of my father’s Chevy station wagon, which, for that night, anyway, served as a makeshift bedroom. After I picked the girl up, I drove the car to the the fringe of the woods not that far from my house. I’ll never forget that night. It was pouring rain and I, since I had never had sex before, I was very nervous.
What wasn’t so perfect was the next morning when my father gave me a ride to school on his way to work and asked me why his station wagon smelled like 手机怎么挂香港ip. I have to admit that I felt like a bit of a felon when I lied to him and said I had no idea why his car would smell that way.
Written for the Sunday Writing Prompt from Mindlovesmisery Menagerie, where we can choose from “kitchen,” bedroom,” or “laundry” following “A funny thing happened on the way to the….” I chose bedroom. Also written for these daily prompts: Jibber Jabber (truth), Word of the Day Challenge (first), Ragtag Daily Prompt (fringe), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (rain), The Daily Spur (fish), and Your Daily Word Prompt (felon).
As a bonus for reading this far, here’s a song from 1963 that, if memory serves, was playing on the car radio at the time.
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Dr. Tanya’s Blogging Insights today is about getting help or assistance or tips on how to blog on WordPress. Here are her questions.
How helpful did you find the WordPress tutorials on blogging?
WordPress has tutorials on blogging? Who knew?
Did you contact the WordPress support staff (Happiness Engineers), if that was included in your plan, and what was your experience with them?
I have opened help “tickets” probably about a dozen times since I started this blog three years ago. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is totally worthless and 10 is extraordinary, I’d rate the WordPress “Happiness Engineers” a 3.5. Sometimes they respond quickly with a good response that addresses whatever problem initiated the ticket. At other times their response was essentially “Too bad, so sad. Now get over it.” And there have been a few times where my inquiry never received a response at all. So, bottom line, in my opinion, it’s a mixed bag.
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Do you need a muse to get your creative juices flowing during these hot, sultry days of August? Try a dose of Fandango’s Dog Days of August prompt.
At 6:00 am Pacific time each day this month, I will be posting a new theme. Today’s theme is “Monday.” Share a story, a poem, a photo, a drawing, some music, or whatever you wish to about your Monday. What do Mondays mean to you. Do you hate Mondays? Love them? Do you not care, one way or the other, about Mondays? It’s up to you.
If you wish to participate, please write your post, use the tag #FDDA, and create a pingback to this post or manually add your link in the comments.
And, of course, take some time to read the other responses to this prompt. See how other bloggers are coping with the dog days of August.
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Welcome to “Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge.” Each week I will be posting a photo I grab off the internet and challenge bloggers to write a flash fiction piece or a poem inspired by the photo. There are no style or word limits.
The image below is from the Google Hub Photo Frame.For the visually challenged writer, the photo is of stone steps leading up between two stucco buildings. There are colorful planters mounted on the walls of both buildings and at the edges of some of the steps.
If this week’s image inspires you and you wish to participate, please write your post, use the tag #FFFC, and link back to this post. I hope it will generate some great posts.
Thanks to all of you who have participated in these challenges. Your posts have been very creative. Please take a few minutes to read the other responses to this photo challenge.